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Server ConVars: A Deep Dive into Rust's Console Variables

The term 'ConVar' is an abbreviation for "Console Variable." These are settings within Rust's server and client that are adjustable via the console, allowing for server administrators and players to modify their Rust experience. For Rust server owners, understanding and managing ConVars is essential for tailoring server behavior and game settings.

What are ConVars?

ConVars are dynamic settings and parameters that influence game mechanics in Rust. They are set within the game's console, either via the client for players or on the server side for administrators. By modifying these ConVars, one can adjust various aspects of the game, from server tick rate to loot spawns, and much more.

Types of ConVars:

While there are numerous ConVars in Rust, they can be broadly categorized into:

  1. Server-side ConVars: These affect server-wide settings. For instance, settings related to spawn rates, night duration, or server name fall under this category.
  2. Client-side ConVars: Players use these to adjust personal settings that don't affect other players. Examples include graphic settings, input configurations, and more.

How to Access and Modify ConVars:

  1. Accessing the Console:
    • For server administrators, access to the console is typically through the hosting platform or directly via command-line interfaces, depending on the server setup.
    • For players, the console can usually be opened in-game using a specific key, often the F1 key.
  2. Modifying a ConVar:
    • To change a ConVar, simply type the ConVar name followed by the desired value. For instance: server.tickrate 30 would set the server's tick rate to 30.
    • Some ConVars might require a server restart to take effect, while others will apply immediately.
  3. Finding Current ConVar Settings:
    • To view the current value of a ConVar, simply type the ConVar's name into the console.
  4. List All ConVars:
    • Typing find * in the console will display a list of all available ConVars and their current settings.

Commonly Used ConVars in Rust:

  1. server.hostname: This determines the server's name as displayed in the server list.
  2. server.description: Sets a brief description for the server, visible to players.
  3. server.maxplayers: Defines the maximum number of players that can join the server.
  4. server.worldsize: Sets the size of the map.
  5. server.seed: Determines the procedural generation seed for the map.
  6. server.saveinterval: Defines how often (in minutes) the server data is saved.

Best Practices for Modifying ConVars:

  1. Backup First: Always ensure you have a backup of your current server settings before making significant changes.
  2. Test Changes: If possible, test changes in a controlled or offline environment to understand their effects.
  3. Stay Informed: ConVars can change with game updates. Regularly check for updated documentation or changes in ConVar behavior.
  4. Use Descriptions: If your hosting platform allows, add descriptions or comments next to modified ConVars to remind you of their purpose and the reasons for specific settings.